The Southwest Institute of Religious Studies (SWIRS) offers courses for students on two different platforms to best address different levels of interest, commitment, and affordability. It is important to note that these courses are not accredited and are not meant to fulfill any requirements to obtain a higher education degree or diploma.
For students desiring more affordable courses and slightly less commitment, SWIRS is offering courses on Udemy. These are self-paced classes that offer instruction, free online textbooks, and multiple choice tests that are automated and self-contained within the course without the need for heavy instructor involvement. These Udemy courses will be listed at $45 each (discounts may be available).
Students seeking more serious study are able to take classes directly through the SWIRS website via Moodle LMS. These Moodle courses are more expensive (priced at $80 per 8 week course) and involve more essay writing, research, and instructor involvement. Courses provided via Moodle may have one or two required text books that have to be purchased as well. However, most of the texts and materials required for any course are open access and provided free of charge. Once the first five courses are live on Moodle, a subscription plan of $35 per month will be available in lieu of purchasing individual courses (if desired). For more information on the payment options, please visit our Cost of Attendance page.
The following information highlights upcoming available courses and the long term plan for courses that SWIRS intends to offer in the future. SWIRS will eventually be offering certificates to mark the student’s completion of all the courses in the same category. For those seeking a college degree in religion, philosophy, history, humanities, or liberal arts, these classes are meant to supplement that education. HOWEVER, these courses do NOT bestow credit hours and are not transferable to another institution or count towards the completion or graduation of a bachelors, masters, or PhD degree. The purpose of these courses is to give students knowledge on studies related to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that are not available at most colleges or universities. These classes are also meant to provide rigorous academic instruction to those who wish to pursue additional study outside of the church’s institute program for personal interest unrelated to a college degree.
List of the first 10-11 classes to be created (in no particular order):
- THEO100- Fundamental Doctrine of the Church (currently in development)
- THEO130 The Great Apostasy and Restoration
- ANT110- LGBT members and the Church
- ANT160 – Polygamy and the Early Church
- HIS110 – History of the Church 1815-1846 (currently in development)
- HIS120 – History of the Church 1846-1877
- Theo170 – Doctrines and Beliefs on the House of Israel
- SCR100/SCR110 – Study of the Book of Mormon I and II
- GEN120- The Role of Men in Church and Family
- GEN110 – The Status and Role of Women in Church and Family
The following future classes are generally divided by certificate focus. Certificate availability is TBD.
Introductory Course for Non-Members Looking to Learn the Basics About the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (No Certificate – but discount offered if taking THE100 later):
INTRO101- Introduction to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Certificate 1 – Theology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (8 Courses)
THE100 – Fundamental Doctrines of the Church
THE110 – The Plan of Salvation
Prereq: THE100
THE120 – Study of the Atonement and Divinity of Jesus Christ (along with Critical Study and Analysis of Jesus the Christ)
Prereq: THE100
THE130 – The Great Apostasy and the Restoration
Prereq: THE100
THE140 – Modern Revelation, Prophets, and Scripture in the Church
Prereq: THE100
THE150- The Nature of God and Man
Prereq: THE100, THE110
THE160 – Doctrines and Beliefs on the Last Days, Second Coming, and Millennium
Prereq: THE100, THE110, THE120
THE170 – Doctrines and Beliefs on the House of Israel
Prereq: THE100, THE130
Certificate 2 – History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (8 courses)
HIS110 – History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I: 1815-1846.
HIS120 – History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints II: 1844-1877
HIS130 – History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints III: 1878 – 1898
HIS140 – History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints IV: 1898 – 1951
HIS150 – History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints V: 1951 – 2008
HIS160 – History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints VI: 2008 – Present
HIS200 – Introduction to the Global History of the Church
HIS180 – Pioneer Profiles
HIS190 – Introduction to the History of the Church
Certificate 3 – Global History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (8 courses)
HIS210 – Global History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I: 1830 – 1899
HIS220 – Global History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints II: 1900 – 1975
HIS230 – Global History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints III: 1975- Present
HIS240 History of the Church in Europe
HIS250 History of the Church in Africa
HIS260 History of the Church in Asia
HIS270 History of the Church in Central and South America
HIS280 History of the Church in the Pacific Islands and Australia
Certificate 4 – Anthropology of the Church (8 Courses)
ANT100 – Introduction to Anthropology and Culture of the Church
ANT110 – LGBT members and the Church
ANT120 – African American members and the Church
ANT130 – Gender Studies in the Church
ANT140 – Music and the Church
ANT150 – Art and Architecture in the Church
ANT160 – Polygamy and the Early Church
ANT190 – Native Americans and the Church
ANT200 – Education and the Church
ANT210 – Study of American Culture and the Church
Certificate 5 – Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Scripture Analysis (8 Courses)
SCR100 Study of the Book of Mormon I
SCR110 Study of the Book of Mormon II
Prereq SCR100
SCR120 Study of the Doctrine and Covenants I
SCR130 Study of the Doctrine and Covenants II
Prereq SCR120
SCR140 Study of the Pearl of Great Price and Old Testament I
SCR150 Study of the Old Testament II
Prereq SCR140
SCR160 – Study of the New Testament I
SCR170 Study of the New Testament II
Prereq SCR160
Certificate 6 – Masculine Studies in the Church ( 8 Courses)
HIS410 – Profiles of Men in the Church
GEN120 – The Role of Men in Church and Family
GEN140 – Fatherhood and the Church
THE300 – Priesthood and the Church
THE310 – Study of Men in the Book of Mormon
THE320 – Study of Men in the Bible
ANT130 – Gender Studies in the Church
THE340 – The Doctrine of Heavenly Parents
Certificate 7 – Feminist Studies in the Church (8 Courses)
HIS300 – History of the Relief Society
HIS310 – Profiles of Women in the Church
GEN100 – Evolution of Women Roles in the Church
GEN110 – The Status and Role of Women in Church and Family
GEN130 – Motherhood and the Church
THE330 – Study of Women in the Scriptures
ANT130 – Gender Studies in the Church
THE340 – The Doctrine of Heavenly Parents
Certificate 8 – World Religions (8 Courses primary certificate, 6 courses supplemental certificate if desired)
WOR100* – Comprehensive Study of World Religions I
WOR110* – Comprehensive Study of World Religions II
WOR120 – History of Hinduism
WOR130 – History of Buddhism
WOR135 – History of Taoism
WOR140 – History of Islam
WOR150 – History of Christianity
WOR160 – History of Judaism
WOR170 – Comparative Study of World Religions vs. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
WOR180 – Religions of Asia
WOR190 – Religions of the Middle East
WOR200 – Indigenous Religions
WOR210 – Greek and Roman Mythology
HIS200 – Introduction to the Global History of the Church
Certificate 9 – Interdisciplinary Studies of the Church (8 Courses)
SCR100 – Study of the Book of Mormon I
SCR110 – Study of the Book of Mormon II
THE120 – Study of the Atonement of Jesus Christ
ANT100 – Introduction to Anthropology and Culture of the Church
HIS200 – Introduction to the Global History of the Church
HIS190 – Introduction to the History of the Church
THE460 – Scripture and the Church
THE160 – Doctrines and Beliefs on the Last Days, Second Coming, and Millennium
Certificate 10 – General Studies of the Church (8 Courses)
Mix and match available courses to complete 8 classes.
Possible Additional Courses:
Teachings and John Taylor
Teachings of Howard W. Hunter
Teachings of Gordon B. Hinkley
Teachings of Wilford Woodruff
Teachings of Lorenzo Snow
Teachings of Joseph F. Smith
Teachings of Harold B. Lee
Teachings of Joseph Fielding Smith
Teachings of David O. Mckay
Teachings of Thomas S. Monson
Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball
Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson
Teachings of Joseph Smith
Teachings of James E. Talmadge
Teachings of Bruce R. Mckonkie
Teachings of Brigham Young
Teachings of Heber J. Grant
Teachings of George Albert Smith
Teachings of Russell M. Nelson
The Works of Hugh Nigby
The Works of Truman G. Madsen
The Works of LeGrand Richards
The Works of James E. Talmage
The Works of B.H. Roberts
The Works of J. Reuben Clark
The Works of Neal A. Maxwell
Theological Cosmism
Missionary Work in Everyday Life
Summative Certificate 1 – Comprehensive Study of the Church (32 Courses)
Requires completion of certificates 1, 3, and 5 plus one additional certificate or 8 courses.
Summative Certificate 2 – Advanced Study of the Church (60 Courses)
Completion of 8 courses in each of the first 7 certificates/focuses provided for a total of 56 classes plus WOR100 and WOR110 and two additional courses below. This diploma requires Completion of Diploma 1 first. All credits applied to Advanced Certificate 1 are also applied to Advanced Certificate 2.
ADV600 – Capstone/Research Project
ADV610 – Capstone/Research Project II